12 Favorite Hymns, Book 1, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
12 Favorite Hymns, Book 2, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Amazing Grace, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
America, the Beautiful, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
For the Beauty Of the Earth, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
How Great Thou Art, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
I Sing the Mighty Power Of God, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Morning Has Broken, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
The Water Is Wide, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
This Is My Father's World, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
What a Friend We Have In Jesus, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Abide With Me, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
All Glory, Laud and Honor, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Be Thou My Vision, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Faith Of Our Fathers, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
His Eye Is On the Sparrow, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Nearer, My God, to Thee, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
The Old Rugged Cross, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Now Thank We All Our God, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Rock of Ages, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
We Gather Together, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
Jesus Loves Me, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)
My Country 'Tis Of Thee, Piano and Tin Whistle (High D)