Melodic Meditations 4/Lap

Melodic Meditations IV, Lap Harp, eBook Download


Music samples have been made into jpgs. The music will look perfectly normal in your eBook.

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This book contains 10 two-page solos written in the normal lap harp range. That is, if you have C below middle C and 24-25 strings, you can play this book. 

The recorded music is available only as a download of mp3s and as sold with the sheet music from this book.

Click “Additional Info” to hear an audio sample and watch a video.

Songs in the book are: Blooming, By the Sea, Desert Stream, The Edge of Happy, Heartbreak, Lilacs in Springtime, The Long Goodbye, Memorial 2016, Mountain Morn and The Vision.

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Additional Info

This music was recorded using my Blevins harp. I wrote the original song The Long Goodbye for my dog Lily. You can hear that piece and see our story by clicking on the video.

Lily didn't quite make it to her 14th birthday. She was diagnosed with lymphoma in June of 2015 and given a prognosis of 4-6 weeks. She passed away on May 3, 2016. She was a little dog with a big personality, and has left such a void.