You might be able to tell, I truly love my work, I am constantly working, and I really appreciate you dropping by to check it out! Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am always available to answer questions, help you with concerns, or just talk music with you.
This site contains Downloadable Music (instant access) for Harp, Piano, Bassoon, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Flute, Native American-style Flute, Recorder, Saxophone, Trombone, Fingerstyle Ukulele, Fingerstyle Baritone Ukulele, Mandolin, Violin, Viola, Cello, and even tin whistle. And too many ensemble combinations to count!
There are no “in print” items.
***Please note: there are a gazillion links on this site, and in (hopefully) rare instances, you may not receive the file you were expecting. If that happens, please contact me so that I can fix it and get you what you paid for!****
Click on “Information” under “Start Here” for more information.
Click on the little + signs on the navigation bar to expand dropdowns.
*I honestly don’t know if this needs to be said, but I’ll say it. I have dedicated my life to my music work. There are several thousand music downloads on this site (and nearly 9,900 on Sheet Music Plus and Sheet Music Direct to date). Every one of them, including originals and arrangements, were done by me. No AI involved.
I have written for many ensembles which are not available on this website for various reasons. If you click here, you will find the list, and links to Sheet Music Plus, where you will easily find available titles for each particular ensemble.
If you need music for your special ensemble, please contact me. I am often working on special requests throughout the year.
You can shop here (see the navigation bar) or follow the links to find them on Sheet Music Plus.
***If you don’t find what you need here, check out Sheet Music Plus or Sheet Music Direct.